On our DESPRIN(Principles in Design) class I sure have learned a lot. Like how to draw the right way and using basic shapes to its advantages. I also learned how to make shadings and draw in 3D( Three Dimensional).
The first plate we did on this subject was to make a pointilism art by using a picture of a real person as reference and inspiration.
The first plate we did on this subject was to make a pointilism art by using a picture of a real person as reference and inspiration.
So here is the pointilism art I made the picture I used was a picture of a girl I found on facebook :P and I plan to make a character for a game next time using this picture as reference.
Here is another plate we did in our class. And it was to make artworks by application on the Elements and Principles of Design.
This is a midterm plate wherein we used all the stuff we learned such as the elements and principles of design and painting skills and techniques.
Here's a plate that I made by drawing an action figure by drawing a silhouette, geometric shapes, a sketch and the final drawing with details such as shading.
Here's a plate I made during class by using shading and lighting through drawing.